Hi guys

me again
Just thought I would write this post, as its not a well known condition and wanted to spread the word really and hope to get treatment for me.
I was diagnosed March 2013 by a tilt table test which is where you lie on a bed strapped in for 20 mins then another 20 mins tilted near enough 90 degrees which really wasn’t pleasant at all I blacked out twice and my heart rate was monitored whilst this was happening. they then diagnosed me with Postural Orthastatic Tachycardia Syndrome.
Way before this all started couple years ago I began getting dizzy when standing up and moving about but thought nothing of it really, It then began getting worse and worse and at this time I loved attending the gym, I would go about 4-5x a week, but I couldn’t go as often because I would get dizzy and out of breath easily,I also wanted to do the Brighton Marathon which I trained nearly everyday for couple of months but had to completely stop as I would become unconscious and get dizzy whilst training and knew I wouldn’t of been able to complete the marathon.
And now every time I get up or move around or pick something up I get dizzy and sometimes I will have what I call a semi-fit as my legs would spasm out or my arms or both.
In my area its not a known condition and they don’t know how to treat me, because basically what happens what I stand up my heart rate goes very fast and then not enough oxygen actually goes to my brain, hence becoming dizzy.
Lately symptoms are getting worse and now there finding there is an inbalance in my nervous system, as I have a tremor , restless leg syndrome, headaches daily.
Now I’m writing this post not because I want attention but because I want to reach out to those people who may also have this condition and maybe get some help.I live in the Kent area.
Thanks for reading x
But despite all of this I keep going and keep trying, I try not to let it bother me, but obviously we all do have our bad days. But I’m faithful that I will get better in the end